Twenty-eight degrees outside, and frost on everything. I bundled up and went out with the camera for another morning of discovery in my new environment. The crisp feel of the air and the early fall smell of leaves recently fallen to the ground and now beginning to decay brought back quite tangible memories of my childhood in North Carolina walking to school on such a morning. Halloween approaching quickly, delicious cold air tightening the skin on my cheeks and nose. Makes me long for the big pot of hot cocoa my mother used to make for us on cold, cold days along with Campbells chicken soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. (My parents live in the Denver area and they were under more than a foot of snow by the end of the day yesterday ... so Mom, I hope you and Dad had something warm and cozy together such as what you used to make for us when we were kids. :)
I posted an update to the Jinny's Vines knit along this morning, in case you are following it already or interested.
My blog is brief today, because my husband and I are heading down to the Finger Lakes region of NY to a special place for a three-day weekend, not celebrating our six-month "anniversary" of marriage and enjoying the fact that we have in fact been married (as of Sunday morning) exactly that long. Here's to us ... and here's to you. Enjoy your day, your weekend ... and your river (see post below if you don't know what I mean).