Gourmet hand painted yarn. Feed your inner fiber fiend.
Gourmet hand painted yarn. Feed your inner fiber fiend.
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I live on a farm ... — pets

Yeah, right ... whatever

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I suppose it could get old, hearing about how beautiful and perfect things are here, in my life. I mean, come on ... really. Could anyone's life that perfect? Actually, no. My life isn't even as perfect as my life is. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? Actually, no. Let me es'plain. Sunday in church, the sermon was on the subject of accepting and being grateful for your life--your life, in and unto itself, not in comparison to anyone else's life. Gratitude for the grace of one's own life. Listening to the sermon brought to mind many of the...

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Dandelion farming

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We live on a farm, but as I have said before ... we are not farmers. We have (or had) corn out in our fields, but we didn't put it there. We dream of a vineyard and fruit orchard on our acres one day, but there will be much to learn in order to get there. When I lived in the high desert north of Los Angeles for a couple of years with my children, we tried planting some raised gardens. We enriched the soil, and put up wooden planks to build up areas to grow our vegetables and watermelons...

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Dream like no one is watching

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The changes around here are happening too rapidly for me to keep up with them all. Everywhere I look, buds and blossoms are bursting out on trees, shrubs, and grasses. Our crab apple tree, seemingly bare just a few days ago is now crowded with dark buds and tiny foliage bursts. The willow tree changes so rapidly it seems to evolve right before my eyes. We are only a couple of weeks into warmish weather that even now changes back to quite chilly on an every-other-day basis. One day we have showers and chill air, the next sunshine, warmth, and...

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This just in ...

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Yesterday afternoon clouds gathered again, giving us a heavy rain shower late in the day ... just as I was heading out to the post office with no umbrella. Oh well. A bit of rain continued falling overnight, and this morning everything was thick, and lush, and green with raindrops clinging to branches, leaves, petals, and life. After I took Blu out for an early morning "business" report and barn inspection, he went back inside and I headed back out with my camera. I had noticed some delicate little purple flowers growing here and there around the barn and I...

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A most perfect day

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I recall vividly, growing up in North Carolina, the wonderful feelings invoked by the environment all around me just after a summer rainfall. It is one of the richest memories of childhood I possess. I used to long for that feeling in California, the many years I lived there. It rarely rains in Southern California in the summer, and though I knew it was futile to wish for a summer rain shower, I continued wishing nonetheless. If you have not ever experienced the feeling, let me share it with you here: You are outside playing on a hot summer day....

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