Gourmet hand painted yarn. Feed your inner fiber fiend.
Gourmet hand painted yarn. Feed your inner fiber fiend.
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I live on a farm ... — romance

Dream like no one is watching

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The changes around here are happening too rapidly for me to keep up with them all. Everywhere I look, buds and blossoms are bursting out on trees, shrubs, and grasses. Our crab apple tree, seemingly bare just a few days ago is now crowded with dark buds and tiny foliage bursts. The willow tree changes so rapidly it seems to evolve right before my eyes. We are only a couple of weeks into warmish weather that even now changes back to quite chilly on an every-other-day basis. One day we have showers and chill air, the next sunshine, warmth, and...

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This just in ...

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Yesterday afternoon clouds gathered again, giving us a heavy rain shower late in the day ... just as I was heading out to the post office with no umbrella. Oh well. A bit of rain continued falling overnight, and this morning everything was thick, and lush, and green with raindrops clinging to branches, leaves, petals, and life. After I took Blu out for an early morning "business" report and barn inspection, he went back inside and I headed back out with my camera. I had noticed some delicate little purple flowers growing here and there around the barn and I...

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A most perfect day

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I recall vividly, growing up in North Carolina, the wonderful feelings invoked by the environment all around me just after a summer rainfall. It is one of the richest memories of childhood I possess. I used to long for that feeling in California, the many years I lived there. It rarely rains in Southern California in the summer, and though I knew it was futile to wish for a summer rain shower, I continued wishing nonetheless. If you have not ever experienced the feeling, let me share it with you here: You are outside playing on a hot summer day....

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Weathering the nor'easter

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Many of my readers live in in the Northeast, so I suppose many of us are huddled in our homes or offices today, weathering the big nor'easter that came up over the weekend. I love that word: nor'easter. Couldn't ever have used it in relation to my life until now. It has such a dramatic, romantic sound to it. Makes me feel as if I should be out by the sea waiting for a ship to come home carrying my love. I walk along an old stone wall by the sea. My long, dark cape blows and whips behind me,...

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Woes be gone, but time is tricky

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Hello all ... Finally yesterday our Internet connection was fixed, and actually stayed fixed. It was a frustrating week without it. Now I am seriously backlogged on some business I must take care of. Sorry, but I won't be able to post an actual entry to my blog until Monday. Meanwhile, I did post two new paintings at my One Painting a Day blog. One is actually painted on a tumbled, Italian marble tile. On a whim the other day I tried painting right on the tile and was thrilled with the results. There will be more of these coming...

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